Friday, April 4, 2008


Yes, we know it's April. And yes, this is a Christmas quilt. But Mom finished piecing this top today after 8 to 10 years of working on it, on and off. Here's a sneak peek at what perseverance can do for you.

Here's my favorite bit--a darling little gingerbread man. The photo's a little fuzzy, but you get the idea.

This reindeer looks like he's leaping through the forest on a dark winter night.

These hearts are near the top, in just the right place to rest over your own heart when you're curled up in the quilt.

Speaking of hearts, this snowman has a big one. Can you believe it—all these years after she started the quilt, Mom still had the original buttons for the hearts.

That's it for today. We'll post more pictures when she gets it completely finished.

ps--my camera has gone walk about. When it shows up again, I'll post pictures of Katie with her birthday quilt.


Deb Shucka said...

I LOVE this quilt!!! And I kind of like knowing that someone as talented and busy as Mama also has some U.F.O.s in her project cupboard.

Who gets to have this beauty?

mamatulip said...

WOW! This is stunning!